Enrico Bignami

Enrico Bignami was an Italian merchant, and the editor of La Plebe, a socialist newspaper.

Enrico Bignami was born in Lodi, Lombardy, onDecember 1844. He came from a poor family. In 1866 and 1867 he fought with Giuseppe Garibaldi. He founded La Plebe in Lodi in 1868 to promote Giuseppe Mazzinis ideas, financing the paper from his import business. The first issue appeared onJuly 1868. At first it was published biweekly, although during the following years it appeared more or less frequently. The paper would last until 1883, despite seizures of issues and several arrests of the editor. It gave continuity from the left wing of the Risorgimento to the postunification labor movement and the later elaboration of socialist ideology in northern Italy.

Source: Wikipedia